The very first job what we have done in 2019. A bit challenging job from one of our prestigious client. It’s a perfume bottle. The challenge behind this assignment is to capture crystal bottle without losing its cuttings. We have used our sinar camera with digital back. The luck behind this job was its liquid color. As per the last perfume bottles what we received from the same client, it was a nightmare for us. A crystal bottle with plain liquid. The client was insisting to get the hundred percentage perfection without losing its crystal cuttings and with bit extra effort we could achieve it.

From a photographer’s point of view, In fact more challenging job will always give maximum job satisfaction. Couple of tips which we should follow while doing reflective products. Always keep the light output level in low level. As you all know the amount of lights which reflects back when we photograph a reflective product will be very high. Pls. keep this in mind while shooting a reflective product.