Restaurant Food Photographer in Dubai – Call: 050 7744164

The simplicity of his setup is not to be taken for granted, as one cannot become a great food photographer without an extensive understanding of light, color palettes, and styling trends.

The concept of “food pornography” is attributed to American Feminist Critic Rosalind Coward in her 1984 book Female Desire. The term was used in the 1980s and 1990s in other academic papers and some culinary news articles, but it was in 2005 that it spread to the masses when a Flickr photo group was created with that name.

I asked Ajay if he thought food porn and the craziness surrounding it on social media made it harder or easier for food photographers to get their images out to the world and get noticed. He agreed that the amount of food imagery out there makes it tricky to get the work noticed, but a beautiful, well-crafted image will always stand out. Social media has given many talented people (him included) an opportunity to turn a passion into a profession. One just needs to stand out with consistency.

I have always wondered why food photography does not seem to have the same traction in the art world as other photography themes. The masses and the professionals are quick to label a nude photograph as art, while food photography seems stuck in the illustration function. By comparison, the genre of still life in painting can be traced back to the 16th century, the “natural beauty” movement later giving food compositions its recognition (thus, paintings of dishes are common artworks in galleries and museums).  the first food photograph in 1832 of a table with a bowl, a few utensils, a goblet, and a heel of bread. We have come a long way from that first snap, and van tonder told me that there is a great move internationally from photographers to elevate food photography as an art form. Let’s see what happens. Is this genre of photography still to receive its full recognition?

In the meantime, after browsing through Dubai photographers portfolio, I am famished and need to sink my teeth into a cake! Bon appétit!