Hotel Interior Photography – Call: 050 7744164

Dubai Photographers photographs interior and exterior architecture for designers, architects and publishers. With a trained eye for design, the skill of a craftsman, and the patience to record the precise light, he will provide you with stunning photographs that will get your project noticed. His photographs have helped architects, landscape, and lighting designers win awards for their work.

I’ve always had a curiosity for exploring spaces and a desire to describe what I see to others. I began to use drawing and painting as tools to create imaginary buildings as a child. Since then I developed my discerning eye for describing space while earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Photography.  There I built several pinhole cameras in pursuit of a simple machine that could record the essence of a space. This quest led me to Dubai City where I showed my fine art pinhole photographs and began my commercial photography training. Starting out using a 4×5 view camera and film, I built relationships with architects, designers, art directors, and editors. Always focused on remaining efficient and getting projects published, I quickly adapted to using digital capture. Today, my goal is to be a visual storyteller who describes the unfolding of a space by using my camera